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Brighten Your Day

Alstroemeria, asters, carnations and chrysanthemums are delivered in a cheerful clear glass vase.
Approx. 12” W x 13” H

Price:  $69.99 USD
plus service fee

In most cases same day delivery available for orders placed before 1:00 PM in the recipient's time zone (noon on Saturdays)

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2. Recipient's Zip Code

3. Delivery Date

  As Shown $69.99
  Deluxe $79.99
  Premium $89.99

    Find a zip code




Note: due to ongoing issues with the floral supply chain, significant substitutions may be required on some mixed arrangements

This item is professionally arranged and hand delivered to the recipient by our local florist. Since only the freshest and highest quality items are selected, colors and/or varieties may vary. Container may also vary.

Customer Comments

It was very nice, and I appreciate the attention to detail you spent making sure it was going to the right place.Thank you.

I am just writing to let you know that you did a great job delivering to a girl I have been seeing for a while. She has thanked me at least a dozen times and has commented on the hand writing and butterfly that went along with the arrangement. I told her the hand writing was not mine, but for her to comment on it shows that you provide quality business. The next time I send flowers It will be from Flowerpetal do to the great job you did. Further, I am happy that she is happy. Thank You,

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We deliver throughout the Lancaster metropolitan area, including: Beech Wood, Challenger, College Park Garden, Desert Hills, El Domingo Estates, Friendly Village, Leisure Lakes, Lakeshore, Lancaster Somerset Place, Lancaster Woodbridge, Mammoth View Villas, Marbella Villas, Park Somerset, Pine Creek Village, Stanridge, Sunrise East Garden, The Candlewood, Villa Patrician, Westfield Estates